The tractor driver’s daughter


ISBN: 978-5-517-08890-1

“The tractor driver’s daughter” is a novel by artist Ilmira Bolotyan about how the magical fantasy world of a little girl and her curiosity about everything unknown first help her to survive in a difficult family situation, but then become a trap. Through the fate of a teenage girl who psychologically does not fit into the “dashing nineties”, taking place in the post-Soviet space are vivid, though eerie memories from childhood of the time of the “collapse” of the eighties. The love for secret knowledge turns into first love, which, in turn, leads to tragedy. 

[RU] Паблик-ток Ильмиры Болотян “Перформанс в жизни и на работе”, Garage Museum of Contemporaty Art, Moscow [video]

[RU] Presentation of the book “The Tractor Driver’s Daughter” by Ilmira Bolotyan. How to turn a performance into a novel, Chekhov Central City Public Library [video]

[RU] Начала с загадки: дебютный роман Ильмиры Болотян оказался очень необычным, “Новые известия”, February, 21. 2023 

[RU] Что я знаю о папе, “Прочтение/Prochtenie”, May, 17, 2023

LITERATURE. Ilmira Bolotyan — Interdisciplinary Artist and Curator

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